How to add your sitemap to google search console
You can do this once you have successfully added a TXT record to your domain records, verified ownership of your domain on google search console, and have your generated sitemap URL ready to go.
You can do this once you have successfully added a TXT record to your domain records, verified ownership of your domain on google search console, and have your generated sitemap URL ready to go.
One main reason for verifying ownership of your domain to google is because you want to use some…
The most important reason why search engines should crawl or index your site is because they are the largest source of traffic to websites. Search engines exist to crawl, index and rank relevant results to the questions searchers are asking..
Almost every one today wants a website and for good reason too. A great website brings value to you and or your business by doing publicity for you when you are not there, by selling on your behalf, by attracting prospective customers and clients to your business, amongst others. So how do you know your website is great? Read on..
To prevent your account balance from showing on every transaction email alert sent to you by Guaranty Trust Bank, simply dial *737*51*1# on the phone number registered to your bank account.
Three safety items to check before getting into your next @Uber ride.
@GTbank is making our lives more secure by giving us self service options to use to protect our accounts. If your account has been compromised, simply dial *737*51*74# to instantly lock your account from further debits.
Staying woke is important in this century. Our banks are doing a great job enlightening us on how to stay safe using their services. check out these four tips on how to spot fraudulent emails courtesy of @UBAGroup
If you love exploring the world wide web, you may have come across a browser called ‘Brave‘ at…
If your guaranty trust bank MasterCard/Visa/Verve card is lost, stolen or compromised. Follow this steps to report it immediately!