How to Setup ADB on Linux
You can setup ADB easily on any Linux distribution including Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Linux Mint etc.
- Download the Android SDK package for Linux [android-sdk_r21.1-linux.tgz]
- Place the downloaded file in your “HOME” folder.
- Right click on the file and select Extract here
- Now, you shall see a folder named android-sdk-linux.
- Open the terminal in the Home folder and type in the following commands:cd android-sdk-linux/tools./android
- Make sure everything is un-ticked. Now select Android SDK Platform-tools and install it.
- During the next window, you will be prompted. Accept the license and click on Install.
- When the installation is complete, close the window.
- The SDK manager has now download the platform-tools successfully, which certainly includes our prior ADB.
- The next step is to define the path where ADB is present.
- Open the terminal again and type in the following commands to add the SDK Path to the .bashrc & .profile. Here “gedit” is the default text editor in Ubuntu. In case you are running other Linux distribution, replace it with the name of the corresponding text editor. For example, in the case of Linux Mint, you shall use: gksudo pluma ~/.bashrc and so on for other distributions.gksudo gedit ~/.bashrc
- Go towards the end and add the following lines:# Android tools export: PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/tools export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
- Let’s do the same for .profile. Open Terminal and type:gksudo gedit ~/.profile
- Scroll to the very end of the file and add the following line:PATH=”$HOME/android-sdk-linux/tools:$HOME/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:$PATH”
- Reboot your system now to take effect.
- To confirm the configuration, open Terminal and type:adb
- You have now successfully installed and configured ADB on your Linux machine.