How to set up an advert blocker on Chrome
It can be quite distracting when all you want is to read an interesting article on a web page or enjoy surfing the internet, but you are constantly served these information with adverts, every corner of the web you visit. How do you explore the web without seeing this adverts if you are using a chrome browser. Follow these steps:
Step #1: Go to Chrome Web Store, click here.
Step #2: Look to your left at the top on your computer, you will see a search this store box, type adblocker or adblock into it.
Step #3: The store will show you the top three, read the reviews, read the descriptions, select your preferred option. Click the add to chrome button in front of the one you choose to add this extension to your chrome browser.
Step #4: A notification will pop up telling you what the extension can do, and ask you to confirm adding extension. Click the add extension button.
That’s all. Your adblocker has been set up. Go on and browse the web without distractions. Want to add another extension? See this post.
Source: Google Help (See more on managing or uninstalling an extension)