How do you use social media to your advantage?
You have often heard how social media can be a huge distraction. I can confirm to you there are no lies there. However social media can also be a huge help for those who know. Want to maximise the time you spend on social media? Follow these steps:
Step #1: Set up a killer profile. Really? Yes really. Before accepting any friend/follow request, the first thing i do is to check out a persons’ profile.
Step #2: Follow the right people. Connect with like-minds. Yes it’s okay to add friends from high school and others, but it is also important to make sure you are connected to people who can help you grow.
Step #3: Share what you know. Even though you are surrounded by people who can help you grow, what are you giving them in return? I always tell people, everyone has something to share. Everyone has their story and experiences. Share yours.
Step #4: Stay away from senseless conversations that add no value to your being or thought process. Don’t even be tempted to engage, just stay away.
If you can follow these tips, your timeline will be a gold minefield.
Got any more tips you want to add? or questions? Comment below.